Visite ed esami specialistici per le patologie osteoarticolari sistemiche

La nostra clinica offre servizio di reumatologia occupandosi delle patologie che interessano l’apparato muscolo-scheletrico e i tessuti connettivi dell’organismo. Le più comuni patologie che rientrano in questo campo sono l’artrite reumatoide, l’osteoporosi, l’artrosi, l’artrite psoriasica e la febbre reumatica.

Presso la nostra clinica è possibile effettuare accertamenti clinico-diagnostici ed esami di laboratorio specifici per la diagnosi delle malattie reumatiche.


Specialized X-rays of the breast to aid in the early detection of breast cancer. A yearly mammogram is recommended for women age 40 and older.

Reproductive Endocrinology

Care and treatment for couples having difficulties conceiving a child. Conventional therapies such as medication and surgery.

Integrative MedicineI

Alternative therapies stemming from the premise the mind, body and spirit function as one and addressing all promotes healing.

Chemical Dependency Treatment

Care for people with alcohol and other drug addictions. All treatment plans are individualized, ensuring that each person’s unique needs are met.

Our Specialist:

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